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Business, Local News

Wades shop in preparation for Hurricane Sandy

Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012 was very busy at ShopRite supermarket in Ewing, N.J. As Hurricane Sandy threatens to arrive in the area, many residents of Ewing went shopping for last minute items. The supermarket was so crowded that shoppers could hardly find

Business, Local News, Politics

Sustainable Lawrence wants to ban plastic bags

LAWRENCE, N.J. – The non-profit organization, Sustainable Lawrence, is trying to find a way to ban single-use-disposable plastic bags that they think consumers abuse in quantity, said a board member. Noemi de la Puente recently became a member of Sustainable Lawrence when

Local News

Author of children’s book suggests ‘fair use’

TRENTON, N.J. – When Adekemi Bankole, Ph.D., set out to write a children’s book in 2010, she was just thinking about having fun with it. Bankole completed her 31-page children’s book, entitled, “The Rain Beat Dance,” and published and copyrighted it by

Local News

Trenton’s first-time author targets wide audience

Dr. Jo Anne Craig conveys universal message   TRENTON, N.J. — Dr. Jo Anne Craig chronicles her story in her first book, “When Is It My Time to Cry.”  Often depicted as a strong, black woman, Dr. Craig uses the main character,

Local News

Confidential sources affect privacy, access issues in news media

TRENTON, N.J. — While reporters can build credibility with their sources by agreeing to protect their identities, there is a backlash that not printing names of sources can create distrust and access problems. For readers, they prefer sourced-information.  They trust a publication

Local News

Friend forever, factor in Twin Towers tribute

The adage is still true: Time heals. As passionate as I used to be about a close friend, who is a male and nearly two years older than me, time seems to change everyone as well as everything. From time to time,

Local News

Violation of HIPAA’s privacy laws could mean prison time

TRENTON, N.J. — Nowadays, invasion of one’s privacy is more accessible given the growth of social media and electronic devices everywhere; and this means greater protection for personal information. Hackers and identity thieves are inquisitive about the sources to personal information that